For a detailed agenda, please check your booklets, which will be distributed at the retreat.
On-site Registration
Welcome - FCI Overview and Future Development - Florian Greten
Chairs: Katharina Imkeller & tba
Speakers: Joachim Steinbach, Torsten Tonn, Michael Burger, Lisa-Marie Reindl, Jennifer Lun, Tanja Buhlmann
Coffee Break
Chairs: Pia Zeiner & Marcus Czabanka
Marcus Czabanka, Thomas Broggini, Pia Zeiner, Hind Medyouf, Konstantinos Kokkaliaris, Stefan Offermanns, Yvonne Reiss
Lunch Break & Poster session I
Posters 01-58 Room 1 & 2 Lunch Restaurant Dessert & Coffee Foyer
Mildred Scheel Career Center: Overview & Recent Developments & Plans - Christian Brandts & Evelyn Ullrich
Chairs: Christine Koch & Henner Farin
Armin Wiegering, Claus Rödel, Florian Greten, Canan Arkan, Paul Ziegler, Mike Heilemann, Christoph Steup
Chairs: Evelyn Ullrich & Andreas Burchert
Evelyn Ullrich, Michael Burger, Thomas Oellerich, Bastian Schilling, Christian Buchholz, Kevin Legscha, Ayline Kübler, Melanie Tichet, Claudia Paret, Katharina Imkeller, Jannis Wißfeld
DKTK: Overview, Recent Developments & Plans- Thomas Oellerich
Chairs: Anne Fassl & Henning Reis
Henning Reis, Anne Fassl, Franz Rödel, Peter Wild, Thorsten Mosler, Nadine Flinner, Felix Chun, Severine Banek
Chairs: Hannah Uckelmann & Thomas Oellerich
Thomas Oellerich, Nina Kurrle, Philipp Makowka, Jan-Henning Klusmann, Hannah Uckelmann, Marit Vermunt, Christian Brandts, Michael Rieger
Lunch Break & Poster Session II
Posters 59 -116 Room 1 & 2 Lunch Restaurant Dessert & Coffee Foyer
Chairs: Sina Oppermann & Stefan Knapp
Stefan Knapp, Thomas Oellerich, Sebastian Scheich, Henner Farin, Sina Oppermann, Zuzana Tatarova, Xinlai Cheng
Closing Remarks
Farewell Coffee Break
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